The objective of phytosanitary treatment is to achieve biological efficacy that satisfies the farmer.
Several factors are decisive for the outcome of each application:
• The product used and its performance;
• The time of application in depending on different criteria :

  • from the stage of culture,
  • of the pest,
  • disease,
  • harm,
  • climatic conditions,
  • the quality of the application.

It is this last point which concerns ALBUZ® and on which our technical service brings its knowledge and its knowledge of spraying.
The nozzle determines the performance of the sprayer and influences the biological efficacy of the applied product.
A nozzle is determined by :

  • A flow rate,
  • An angle,
  • homogeneous distribution (on the ramp),
  • A spectrum of drops,
  • A distribution on the target,
  • A drift classification.

ALBUZ® takes all these parameters into account in order to offer you a range of products that meet the whole the needs of the agricultural world.
ALBUZ® tient compte des recommandations takes into account the recommendations environmental and anticip future innovations in the world of spraying by development permanent.